Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Beer Blog is Born!

A friend suggested this; partly due to my love of beer and partly due to the alliterative nature of the title. Either way, it sounded like a fun idea.

That said, I'm not particularly "in" to blogging. I tried it a little bit a few years ago, posting the normal day-to-day rants about corporate America, day-to-day life, and various other topics that came to mind.

So what am I going to do with this blog? Well, for one, I'm going to write about something that I truly enjoy -- Beer! I'm going to share my thoughts and observations on the various beers I encounter and hopefully get ideas of new brews to try.

It should be fair to note that I'm not going to write inane stories about how much beer I drank, how drunk I got, and what I vaguely remember. Not only is that not my style, it isn't particularly interesting, original, or practical. I'm a middle-aged dude with a job and a family. I have no interest in pissing in a dumpster at 3AM from having consumed an excess of Coors Light... If that is what you're hoping for, I'm sure you can find countless blogs boasting such adventures.

On the other hand, I don't possess a golden palette that can distinguish the time of day a particular species of hops was harvested, the roasting temperature, or the color of the brewmaster's tie. I'm not a microbrew snob. Frankly, I find some of them awful. I also don't dismiss a brew just because it is from a large brewer. If I like how a beer tastes, I'm going to say so. If I don't, the same will apply. Any food or beverage decision is completely subjective anyway, so eat and drink what tastes good to you!

I might pepper in a few other subjects from time to time, too. It just depends on my mood!

Feel free to comment and participate. I look forward to meeting people who want to share their love of beer!

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